Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunday 18th - Judy's Vintage Fair

Today's Mothers Day - Happy Mothers Day, hope you's had a great time going out with your mums, grans, aunts etc etc... It was a beautiful day for everyone.

Today I didn't do anything with mum, we had dinner last week as she had to work today :( 

Went to meet my friend for some great catch up and to visit Judy's Vintage Fair! I wish i spent longer there and if i had more dosh i would have bought a lot more than I did! 

For more information on Judy's Vintage Fair around the UK heres a link: 

I had just managed to get to the one in Glasgow ! Thank god , and it was totally worth it , entrance was only 1$ ( wheres my pound sign ?!?!?!) and without a student card its 2$ ... i'm afraid the Scotland's Fair are over until APRIL 21st ! SO GET THAT DATE IN YOUR DIARIES ! oh and the location- Edinburgh. This time round its the Vintage Kilo Sale where you can pay as little as 15 pounds for a Kilo of clothes! BARGAIN! 


  1. Jumpers look so cute! I'm definitely up for a vintage sale. Vintage Kilo Sale sounds an awesome idea, need to check it out!


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