Thursday 18 November 2010

"I'm 3 years older than you, but mentally we're both the same age. 12"

Deep inside , I'm a big child . I love it though , I still like to think I can play hide and seek and pirates with my friends. I do like to run and hide till no one can find me , that's when I know I've won the game, or have I? I hide from the truth and hide when I can't think no more ... It hurts me brains whn I think , ( air head Suzie )
"what you thinking about Suzie?"
"nothing " I'd reply
"god sake Suzie u can't be thinking about nothing"
( actually I can just sit and think about NOTHING ... Haha
sticks and stones can break my bones
but fake friends and dip shits can get to f*ck?

I wish I never have to grow old , I wish i was still at primary school! Chasing around beating up boys , ( yes I did pick fights , but ended up getting battered ) life is so different now , there are good things and bad ... But I still try remain positive ... How do
I do it ? Playing hide and seek is one thing .. Or just ... Be 12 again :)

Toodaloo muthafukaaaaaaa

Sunday 14 November 2010

First Blog EVER..

Woaw this could be a lot of fun =)

Why Suzie did u start a blog? I think to much .. and some folk suggested I should make ablog about my bull crap so hear I am ..blogging .. and to behonest the only people reading this will probably be me .. and ... me ? I want to base most of my bloggings on ... things i'm interested in ... crap that im doing . not like you folk want to know anyway .. but im still just gonna post it for the crack ..

Anyway first blog finito =)

Peace out Home dawgs